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Spanish L2 learners’ expression and interpretation of numeric uncertainty: A study on the acquisition of approximators.


Abril Jimenez

Rutgers University

Numeric approximators (NAs) (e.g., around, approximately) are lexical items that target a semantically loose use of an expression (Channell, 1994; Mihatsch, 2007) and allow speakers to convey imprecision when talking about uncertain quantities (Prince, Frader, & Bosk, 1982; Fuentes Rodríguez, 2008). As noted by García-Medall (1993), NAs signal scalar values which are close to the element they modify (i.e., exemplar number) and are divided into three categories: defective, neutral, and excessive. Defectives (e.g., casi ‘almost’) signal values that are lower than the exemplar number. Neutrals (e.g., como ‘like’) signal values that can be either lower or higher than the exemplar number. Excessives (e.g., y pico ‘-ish’) indicate values that are slightly higher than the exemplar number.


The present study examines the production and interpretation of NAs in L2 Spanish among 20 intermediate L2 learners, 20 advanced L2 learners, and 20 Spanish native speakers. The data collection instruments were one oral interview and one preference task. The interview included questions about quantities that were likely to not be known by the participants with complete certainty (e.g., ¿Cuánto gastas al mes comiendo en restaurantes? ‘How much money do you spend eating out every month?’). In the preference task, the participants decided if NAs were defective or neutral by indicating whether they signal values that were lower or higher than the exemplar number.


The results from the interview indicated that the intermediates produced significantly more defectives (e.g., . The results showed that intermediates interpreted cerca de as neutral and como as defective. In contrast, the advanced and the native speakers interpreted cerca de a defective and como as neutral. A logistic regression confirmed a strong relationship between proficiency level and the interpretation of NAs (X2(1) = 109.96, p =.000).cerca de), while the advanced L2 and the Spanish native speakers favored the use of neutrals (e.g., como). A logistic regression confirmed a strong relationship between proficiency level and type of NA produced (X2(2) = 127.06, p =.000). The preference task examined the interpretation of the defective cerca de and the neutral como.


Based on the findings, it is possible to suggest that the intermediate learners are still developing pragmalinguistic knowledge of NAs. The findings revealed a progression in which an increased proficiency correlates to a more complete integration of meaning and specifications for these lexical items.




Channell, J. (1994). Vague Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Fuentes Rodríguez, C. (2008). La aproximación enunciativa. Lingüística Española Actual, 30(2),


García-Medall, J. (1993). Sobre casi y otros aproximativos. Dicienda: Cuadernos de Filología

            Hispánica, 11, 153-170.

Mihatsch, W. (2007). The construction of vagueness: 'Sort of' expressions in Romance

languages. In G. Radden, K. Köpcke, T. Berg & P. Siemund (Eds.), Aspects of Meaning Construction (pp. 225-245). Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Prince, E. F., Frader, J., & Bosk, C. (1982). On hedging in physician-physician discourse.

Linguistics and the Professions, 8, 83–97.

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