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Contribution to the panel entitled, “Doing ‘being ordinary’ in reality television discourse” 


“Pico de gallo, my aunt showed me how to make”: 

Constructing ordinary participants and authentic food on Real Food Real Kitchens 


Cynthia Gordon 

Georgetown University 



This paper investigates the construction of “realness” on the documentary-style reality series, Real Food Real Kitchens. In each of the 12 episodes of season 3 (aired in 2017) that comprise my dataset, members of a different New York City family, in their own home, are filmed as they talk about and prepare a traditional family dish. I suggest that this series’ “realness” is achieved by constructing, via both linguistic and multimodal means, the participants as “ordinary,” and the foods they prepare as “authentic.” 


To theorize “realness,” I integrate Bucholtz and Hall’s (2005) notion of authentication, or the process of identity verification (especially by claiming historical ties); Sacks’ (1972, 1989) theorizing on membership categorization, which highlights a culture’s various identity categories, their interconnections, and category-related expectations; and Sacks’ (1970/1984) understanding of “being ordinary” as an achievement. Following existing reality show research (e.g., Gordon, 2013), I examine my phenomenon of interest at multiple structural levels: While I focus on clips showing family members cooking and interacting with each other and the camera (which constitute the bulk of each episode), I also analyze contextualizing material (e.g., voice-overs), and discuss relevant production features (e.g., blurry zoom-ins). 


Findings indicate that discursive features that construe participants as “ordinary” and their food as “authentic” include simultaneous talk, collaborative utterance-building, repetition, code-mixing, (habitual) narratives, and membership category references. For example, in the quotation in this abstract’s title, a woman who self-identifies as being of Mexican and Puerto Rican descent explains that she learned to make pico de gallo (fresh salsa) from her aunt; in so doing, she uses a Spanish food term, and attaches the recipe to recognizable family- and culture-related membership categories. Ordinariness and authenticity are also created as participants interact with their surroundings, including with objects (as when an Italian-American uses an inherited iron skillet that has been in his home “for as long as [he] can remember”). Materials intermittently provided to viewers in post-production, such as voice-over comments, family photos, and maps of city neighborhoods, also help create realness, as does the show’s relatively simple and non-glossy production. 


This paper contributes to our understanding of “realness” as linguistically and multimodally created on a documentary-style reality series focused on family and food, while also highlighting how realness entails both ordinariness and authenticity in this context. 



Bucholtz, Mary and Kira Hall (2005). Identity and interaction: A sociocultural linguistic approach. Discourse Studies 7(4–5): 585–614. 

Gordon, Cynthia (2013). “You are killing your kids”: Framing and impoliteness in a health makeover reality TV show. In Nuria Lorenzo-Dus and Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (Eds.), Real Talk: Reality Television and Discourse Analysis in Action (245-265). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Sacks, Harvey (1970[1984]). In J. Maxwell Atkinson and John Heritage (Eds.), Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis (413-429). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Sacks, Harvey (1972). On the analyzability of stories by children. In: John J. Gumperz and Dell Hymes (Eds.), Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication (325-345). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.  

Sacks, Harvey (1989). Lecture six: The MIR membership categorization device. Human Studies 12(3): 271–281.

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